
Todos Santos installation a success in the Netherlands

The installation of the Embassy of Bolivia in the Netherlands in the New Library of Almere attracted local and international visitors who were able to appreciate a Bolivian “Todos Santos” table and modeling activities for children. This space allowed to expose the tradition and the cultural context with such a good reception that the activity initially scheduled for three weeks has been extended for the whole month of November.

On Saturday October 22 and Saturday October 29, young and old could enjoy the exhibition of the table and an altar where they met some of our heroes and fallen, past and present, as well as art workshops where children model and decorate their own T’anta Wawas, learning more in detail the meaning of each one.

The “Todos Santos” festivity also counted with the participation of organized Mexican sisters, the presentation of Lyla Carrillo Quan’s book “Mujeres Latinas en Almere – Historia de Migrantes en Tierras Nuevas”, and the Guatemalan Embassy. On Saturday 29th, besides the T’anta Wawas modeling workshops, there was a Mexican procession, dancing, singing and piñata for the little ones.

None of this would have been possible without the coordination and support of our Mexican sisters, Lyla Carrillo and the Guatemalan Embassy. We are also grateful for the support of Annerie Brenninkmeijer, the director of the New Almere Library, and all the staff, both institutional and civilian, who supported and contributed in various ways to the realization of such a beautiful event where more than 450 children were served at all the workshop tables.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Our heroes and fallen honored in the Altar installed:

  • Julian Apasa Nina, “Tupac Katari” – Community of Ayo Ayo, Sica Sica, Corregimiento de La Paz, Real Audiencia de Charcas, Viceroyalty of Peru of the Spanish Empire, 1750 – La Paz, Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata.
  • Juana Azurduy de Padilla – Toroca, Potosí, July 12, 1780 – Sucre, May 25, 1862.
  • Domitila Barrios de Chungara – Llallagua, Department of Potosí, May 7, 1937 – Cochabamba, March 12, 2012.
  • Basilia Catari Torres – Chualluma, 1965 – La Paz, 2021.
  • Luis Espinal Camps – Spain, San Fruitós de Bages, February 2, 1932 – La Paz, March 21, 1980.
  • Felipe Quispe Huanca, “El Mallku” – Chijilaya Community, Ajllata Grande canton, Achacachi, La Paz, August 22, 1942 – El Alto, La Paz, January 19, 2021.
  • Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz – Cochabamba, Bolivia, March 13, 1931 – La Paz, Bolivia, July 17, 1980.
  • Eugenio Rojas Apaza – Warisata, Achacachi, September 6, 1962 – La Paz, July 30, 2020.
  • Ana María Romero – La Paz, June 29, 1941 – La Paz, October 25, 2010.
  • Barolina Sisa Vargas – Cantón de Caracato del Ayllu, August 24, 1750 or 1753 – La Paz, September 5, 1782.
  • Paz Juana Plácida Adela Rafaela Zamudio Rivero – Cochabamba, October 11, 1854 – Cochabamba, June 2, 1928.

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Charango 1


The #Charango is a stringed instrument of Bolivian folklore and culture, declared Cultural Heritage in 2006.
The Embassy of Bolivia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands invites to the fair from 27 to 29 October in Aiquile – Cochabamba. As well as to the International Charango Interpretation Competition which will take place virtually, the inscriptions can be made at the following link: https://forms.gle/xhGy6YbW1fwryghS9.

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Peoples’ Dialogues for the Defense of Our Mother Earth. Towards COP27

We invite you to participate in the “Peoples’ Dialogues for the Defense of Our Mother Earth. Towards COP27”, now we will share the points of view from the international scenario on Monday October 17, 2022 at 8:00 am (BOL time).

We will be together with international guests, join us by clicking on the link:


More information by entering the link: https://dialogosrumbocop27.mmaya.gob.bo/

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Conference “Living Well in Harmony with Life”

The Vice President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, David Choquehuanca Céspedes, participated in the conference: “Living Well in Harmony with Life” in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Opportunity in which he expressed the right of Mother Earth as a firstborn right prior to human rights and explained the need to wake up to return to the times of balance and work for our children. He also stressed the need to work on integration and live in brotherhood with Mother Earth, as the ancient cultures of Abya Yala did.

Vice President Choquehuanca expressed that we have to build integration, decolonize ourselves, decolonize thinking and banish legal, physical and mental walls. When we raise the Wiphala we are saying we want integration and brotherhood, to return to the path of balance and we must seek harmony with nature. During the event, he recalled that human beings, plants and animals are children of Mother Earth, since they all feed on her milk, which is water.

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