Victims of Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling Article 15 of the Political Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia states that no person may be subjected to servitude or slavery and that human trafficking and smuggling is prohibited. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the governing body of the international relations of the Plurinational State that develops the management of foreign policy for the defense of its sovereignty, the diplomacy of the peoples for life, for the benefit of Bolivians, and also provides through Law No. 465 that the Consuls General, Consuls, Vice Consuls and Consular Agents have, among other functions, to provide support, assistance and protection to Bolivian natural persons residing abroad, mainly, and legal persons when appropriate. The Act No. 263 sets out in case a victim of trafficking and trafficking in persons, and related offenses, be nationality of domestic and foreign territory, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the embassies and consulates under its dependence, will propitiate its voluntary repatriation, contrary case manage the cooperation of the State of residence or permanence, guaranteeing their human rights.
The Consular Section of the Embassy of the Plurinational State of Bolivia in the Netherlands, based on the Protocol for the Repatriation of Victims of Trafficking and Smuggling of Bolivian Nationals Abroad, if you are a relative or know a victim of human trafficking and smuggling, please send an email to seccionconsular@embassyofbolivia.nl or boliviaconsularlahaya@gmail.com or present yourself to the consulate or embassy nearest to your country of residence with the following information:
- 1. Letter or email with the following information:
- * Full name of the Victim of Human Trafficking and Smuggling.
- * Full address of the incident and where the victim is currently staying (name of the institution).
- * Names and telephone numbers of family members currently in the Netherlands. o Names and telephone numbers of family members in the Netherlands.
- * Names and telephone numbers of family members in Bolivia.
- * Brief description of the incident.
- 2. Telephone information and names of the public institutions (Dutch Migration, Police, etc.) involved.
- 3. Original Bolivian identity card or photocopy of the victim.
The Consular Section of the Embassy of the Plurinational State of Bolivia in the Netherlands will immediately contact you and accompany and follow up your case, with the backing and support of the Ministry of Justice through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.