Category: Comunicados

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“Andean Amazonian Chaco New Year – Willka Kuti” in the Netherlands – The Hague”.

As a manifestation and expression of tradition, cosmovision and ancestral knowledge of the Indigenous Nations and Peasant Peoples of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

Peasants of the Plurinational State of Bolivia and the International Declaration of the Solstice Celebration by the General Assembly of the United Nations.

The Embassy of Bolivia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands at the initiative of Bolivian co-nationals of the dance groups Alma Latina and Chaski Bolivia in the Netherlands, celebrates the New Year at the International Exhibition Floriade 2022, Almere.

Ambassador Roberto Calzadilla mentioned “We are here today to celebrate the Wilka Kuti, the special energy we have and the connection, the 21st of June is a special celebration in the Andean, Amazonian and Chaco regions. We are making a table, mass, showing the special connection with the Pachamama, the Sun and others”. 

Internationalizing our culture in this celebration a demonstration was made to the Dutch and people from different nationalities, our culture through the dances tinku, diablada and tobas, from the different regions of Bolivia.


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The Embassy of the Plurinational State of Bolivia is pleased to inform about the denominated Case Coup II, with an accusatory document of the judge CASO Cu01 201102012105245, Ms. Jeanine Áñez, is accused of breach of duties and resolutions contrary to the Constitution and the laws typified in articles 153 and 154 of the penal code of Bolivia. This judicial process is carried out within the framework of the principle of independence of powers and is under the protection of the judicial authorities.

This case includes former Chief of Staff Flavio Gustavo Arce, former commanders Pastor Mendieta (Army), Gonzalo Terceros (Air Force), Palmiro Jarjury (Armed Forces), former Police commander Yuri Calderón and former commander of the Armed Forces, Williams Kaliman (the last two are fugitives).

The Embassy of the Plurinational State of Bolivia will continue to inform on the development of the process and is available any question.

The Hague, February 14, 2022.

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Traditional Medicine Guide to approach COVID-19

The Embassy of the Plurinational State of Bolivia is pleased to present in its spanish version of the “Guía de Medicina Tradicional para abordaje de la COVID-19”, as a guide for the use of traditional medicine for the prevention, containment and treatment of COVID-19, to help mitigating the devastating effects of the pandemic. 

This guide contains actions and recommendations coming from the departmental and municipal authorities, representatives of indigenous and peasant structures, neighborhood councils, unions and the general population as users of traditional medicine. 

cover guia medicin

Download the free Traditional Medicine Guide (in Spanish)

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Ambassador Calzadilla, welcome back to The Hague

Diplomat Magazine, greets Ambassador Roberto Calzadilla on his return to the Netherlands.

“On the occasion of his presentation of credentials to His Majesty King William Alexander of the Netherlands, the Ambassador of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, H.E. Mr. Roberto Calzadilla Sarmiento hosted a concert with the renowned Bolivian guitarist Pirai Vaca, which took place at the embassy premises in The Hague.”

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