“Andean Amazonian Chaco New Year – Willka Kuti” in the Netherlands – The Hague”.
As a manifestation and expression of tradition, cosmovision and ancestral knowledge of the Indigenous Nations and Peasant Peoples of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.
Peasants of the Plurinational State of Bolivia and the International Declaration of the Solstice Celebration by the General Assembly of the United Nations.
The Embassy of Bolivia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands at the initiative of Bolivian co-nationals of the dance groups Alma Latina and Chaski Bolivia in the Netherlands, celebrates the New Year at the International Exhibition Floriade 2022, Almere.
Ambassador Roberto Calzadilla mentioned “We are here today to celebrate the Wilka Kuti, the special energy we have and the connection, the 21st of June is a special celebration in the Andean, Amazonian and Chaco regions. We are making a table, mass, showing the special connection with the Pachamama, the Sun and others”.
Internationalizing our culture in this celebration a demonstration was made to the Dutch and people from different nationalities, our culture through the dances tinku, diablada and tobas, from the different regions of Bolivia.
Video: https://fb.watch/dNOFjoceYa/